Gobind Sarvar School Policies
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s teachings teach us to respect all of humanity with respect and care. Our goal is to provide our students, staff and visitors with a safe and caring environment. Anyone who
enters the school deserves to feel respected; and, in return, they will also be required to respect others. Our school code of conduct will ensure that we maintain a structured, disciplined and
nurturing environment guided by Sikh teachings and beliefs.
List of Policies
- Gobind Sarvar School Faith-Based Policy to accompany Bill 24 LINK TO FILES
- Code of Conduct LINK TO FILES
- Discipline Policy LINK TO FILES
- Fee Policy LINK TO FILES
- Parents, Guardians and Visitor conduct Policy LINK TO FILES
- Food Policy LINK TO FILES
- Transportation Policy LINK TO FILES
- Combined Three-Year Education Plan and AERR 2020-2023 LINK TO FILES
- The Education Plan 2021-2024 LINK TO FILES
- Uniform Policy LINK TO FILES
Everyone who is a part of our School Community is expected to act and behave in a manner that is consistent with our School Philosophy
Sections 24 and 25 of the School Act give the Board, Principal and a teacher of a school, the authority to suspend a student from attendance at a school in certain circumstances. For example, the School Act authorizes the Principal or Vice-Principal of any school to suspend a student whose conduct has been judged to be in serious conflict with a safe and caring learning
The following steps / measures may be used depending on the severity of the concern.
Student conference by the teacher / administration
– Time out /removal from classroom (sent to office)
– Issuing warning / behavior report (parents will be notified)
– Conference with parents / legal guardians of the student
– In school suspension (parents will be notified)
– Out of school suspension (parents will be notified)
– Expulsion from the school
Student conference by the teacher / administration
– Time out /removal from classroom (sent to office)
– Issuing warning / behavior report (parents will be notified)
– Conference with parents / legal guardians of the student
– In school suspension (parents will be notified)
– Out of school suspension (parents will be notified)
– Expulsion from the school
The principal or his/her designate is required to maintain dated documentation of the facts in
chronological order.
As the school has an open-door policy, the parent are requested to contact the Principal if they
have any questions, comments or concerns.
Choosing To Be Successful
By deliberately choosing to act in ways acceptable to the code of conduct of Gobind Sarvar
School Edmonton, students choose to include themselves in our school, which will result in a
positive, successful experience. If a student decides to act in a manner that seriously violates our
code of conduct, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken up to and including possible
detention, suspension or expulsion. Such action will always be taken in cooperation with the
family and with the best interest of the student in mind. In case of serious incidents, the parents
will be immediately informed, the incident will be thoroughly examined and a report made
available to all concerned. The following information will be included where available:
1. The reasons for the suspension
2. The length of the suspension
3. Supporting documentation from the investigation of the incident
4. Date and time of the student’s meeting with the Principal upon his / her return to school.
This meeting between the student, the parents, and the Principal must be held prior to the student returning to classes. A record of the incident will be placed in the student’s file, and may be included in the student’s cumulative record which is sent on to the receiving school, should the student leave our School. Some of the offences punishable by suspension and / or expulsion:
2. The length of the suspension
3. Supporting documentation from the investigation of the incident
4. Date and time of the student’s meeting with the Principal upon his / her return to school.
This meeting between the student, the parents, and the Principal must be held prior to the student returning to classes. A record of the incident will be placed in the student’s file, and may be included in the student’s cumulative record which is sent on to the receiving school, should the student leave our School. Some of the offences punishable by suspension and / or expulsion:
- Theft of private or public property
- Harassment of peers or intimidation of others
- Physical aggression towards peers or staff members
- Vandalism or willful destruction of property
- Defiance or non-participation in the activities of school
- Use of obscene language
- Inappropriate use of technology (please refer to computer use policy)
- Bullying
- Cheating/plagiarism
- Frequent non-compliance with uniform requirements
- Leaving school grounds without permission
At Gobind Sarvar we believe in helping students to modify their behavior through:
1. Informal Talk School staff will talk to the student and try to reach an agreement regarding what happened and how the student should behave.
2. Supervised Seva Duty Under the supervision of parents or assistant teachers, certain number of minutes of seva will be assigned to the student.
3. Loss of Privileges The student is denied the opportunity to participate in school activities.
4. Communication of Inappropriate Behavior to Parents School staff will communicate the inappropriate behavior to the student’s parents by email, phone in a meeting at the school. The goal will be to intervene and eliminate the behavior.
5. Parent Conference A formal conference is held between the student/parent. During this conference, agreement is reached as to how the behavior will be corrected.
6. Suspension Suspensions are made only when it is necessary to remove the student from class or school. In the event of a suspension, a formal letter will be sent to the parents and original signed copy will be placed in the student’s cumulative file.
1. Informal Talk School staff will talk to the student and try to reach an agreement regarding what happened and how the student should behave.
2. Supervised Seva Duty Under the supervision of parents or assistant teachers, certain number of minutes of seva will be assigned to the student.
3. Loss of Privileges The student is denied the opportunity to participate in school activities.
4. Communication of Inappropriate Behavior to Parents School staff will communicate the inappropriate behavior to the student’s parents by email, phone in a meeting at the school. The goal will be to intervene and eliminate the behavior.
5. Parent Conference A formal conference is held between the student/parent. During this conference, agreement is reached as to how the behavior will be corrected.
6. Suspension Suspensions are made only when it is necessary to remove the student from class or school. In the event of a suspension, a formal letter will be sent to the parents and original signed copy will be placed in the student’s cumulative file.
This year we will also use the programs “Mind-UP” and the “Zones of Regulations”. These
programs are geared towards helping students gain skills in regulating their actions which in
turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. We are also continuing the class
called “Mere Bare” (About Me) and Mindfulness as an options class where students get to learn
about connecting with their inner beings to become peaceful based on the teachings of Gurbani
Gobind Sarvar School Policies and Procedures
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s teachings teach us to respect all of humanity with respect and care. Our goal is to provide our students, staff and visitors with a safe and caring environment. Anyone who enters the school deserves to feel respected; and, in return, they will also be required to respect others. Our school code of conduct will ensure that we maintain a structured,
disciplined and nurturing environment guided by Sikh teachings and beliefs.
Code of Conduct Everyone who is a part of our School Community is expected to act and behave in a manner that
is consistent with our School Philosophy
1. Each student is taught and expected to behave responsibly in and out of school, and to
consider themselves as representatives of the school and its traditions at all times.
2. School, Darbar Sahib, others, personal property and the environment is to be respected at all times.
3. Each individual will display good manners at all times, and be consistently courteous to all students, staff and visitors to our School.
4. Being punctual respects the learning of others and self. Students who are late in the morning must get a late slip from the office. Coming late 5 times consecutively will result in a meeting with the parents.
5. Students must complete their assigned duties to the best of their ability. This means being organized, disciplined, making good use of class time, completing all assigned homework, asking for help when necessary.
6. For medical appointments or other emergencies, a parent/guardian has to sign out the child, otherwise the child will not be permitted to leave school grounds.
7. All visitors or volunteers must proceed to the front office and sign in. When leaving the school please sign out.
8. No student may leave the school property without the permission of the parents and the school. The student must be signed out at the front office any time they leave the school other than regular dismissal.
9. Parents or guardians must provide the school with written documentation informing the school of any special arrangements or change in transportation.
10. While on school property, students must remain in areas designated by staff.
11. It is recommended that no valuables or significant amounts of money be brought to school. The school is not responsible for loss of valuables or money.
12. Please note that all the staff, students and volunteers are required and must wear head covering while on school premises or during school hours. This includes fields trips and outdoor activities.
13. Please be advised to send healthy and only vegetarian lunch or snacks to school. (No eggs, poultry, sea food, fish or any other animal products. This includes Gelatin products as well i.e. Welch’s food snacks, marshmallows or gummies and so on.) However, dairy products are permitted.
14. School bus policy and safety rules must be followed by all students. Students must remain seated at all times and talk softly while riding the bus. Indiscipline on the bus may lead to suspension from bus service and the student may have to arrange his or her own ride.
15. Students should respect bus drivers by following the schedule and being ready on time. If a student does not follow the bus schedule and is not ready to board the bus, the driver may not wait. The parents will be required to provide a ride to the child
. 16. Adherence to the School’s uniform dress code is required during the school day and when representing the school. Students are expected to wear a school uniform at all times on school property and on school buses except on Bana/Casual days.
17. Students are expected at all times to respectfully comply with the directions of the administration and all staff members.
18. Students are expected at all times to move in a manner that is safe for themselves and others. We expect students to walk, not run, when moving within the building.
19. Gum chewing is not permitted on school property or while representing the school.
20. Use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and smoking etc. is strictly prohibited at Gobind Sarvar and breach of this rule will result in expulsion from the school. Zero tolerance policy in this regard will always be in effect at Gobind Sarvar School. The possession or use of nicotine products, alcohol, drugs or vaping is strictly forbidden on the school premises and during any school related activities. If alcohol or illicit drugs are found in a student’s belongings or on their person, he or she is subject to disciplinary action which will result in suspension and possible expulsionfrom the school. The administration has the right and obligation to ask a student to show the contents of a backpack, locker, desk, pockets etc. should he/she be suspect of possessing alcohol, vaping or illicit drugs.
21. For continuity in education, parents are discouraged from taking children out of school for long periods of time. Children have winter, spring and summer vacations for this purpose. Any child that is away from the school for longer than 2 weeks past the vacation days, will be required to write an entrance exam before proceeding to the next grade. Theresults of the exam will determine if they can attend the next grade or not
22. Students are discouraged from bringing any personal electronics on school property, Gobind Sarvar is not responsible for any loss or damage to these belongings.
23.No personal cell phone devices or personal electronics are permitted in classrooms. Upon finding any such items Teachers will have the right to hold them until the end of the school day and or contact the student’s parents.
24. Bullying in any way shape or form is prohibited. Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in one or more of following phone calls, notes to parents, loss of privileges, suspension, and expulsion.
2. School, Darbar Sahib, others, personal property and the environment is to be respected at all times.
3. Each individual will display good manners at all times, and be consistently courteous to all students, staff and visitors to our School.
4. Being punctual respects the learning of others and self. Students who are late in the morning must get a late slip from the office. Coming late 5 times consecutively will result in a meeting with the parents.
5. Students must complete their assigned duties to the best of their ability. This means being organized, disciplined, making good use of class time, completing all assigned homework, asking for help when necessary.
6. For medical appointments or other emergencies, a parent/guardian has to sign out the child, otherwise the child will not be permitted to leave school grounds.
7. All visitors or volunteers must proceed to the front office and sign in. When leaving the school please sign out.
8. No student may leave the school property without the permission of the parents and the school. The student must be signed out at the front office any time they leave the school other than regular dismissal.
9. Parents or guardians must provide the school with written documentation informing the school of any special arrangements or change in transportation.
10. While on school property, students must remain in areas designated by staff.
11. It is recommended that no valuables or significant amounts of money be brought to school. The school is not responsible for loss of valuables or money.
12. Please note that all the staff, students and volunteers are required and must wear head covering while on school premises or during school hours. This includes fields trips and outdoor activities.
13. Please be advised to send healthy and only vegetarian lunch or snacks to school. (No eggs, poultry, sea food, fish or any other animal products. This includes Gelatin products as well i.e. Welch’s food snacks, marshmallows or gummies and so on.) However, dairy products are permitted.
14. School bus policy and safety rules must be followed by all students. Students must remain seated at all times and talk softly while riding the bus. Indiscipline on the bus may lead to suspension from bus service and the student may have to arrange his or her own ride.
15. Students should respect bus drivers by following the schedule and being ready on time. If a student does not follow the bus schedule and is not ready to board the bus, the driver may not wait. The parents will be required to provide a ride to the child
. 16. Adherence to the School’s uniform dress code is required during the school day and when representing the school. Students are expected to wear a school uniform at all times on school property and on school buses except on Bana/Casual days.
17. Students are expected at all times to respectfully comply with the directions of the administration and all staff members.
18. Students are expected at all times to move in a manner that is safe for themselves and others. We expect students to walk, not run, when moving within the building.
19. Gum chewing is not permitted on school property or while representing the school.
20. Use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and smoking etc. is strictly prohibited at Gobind Sarvar and breach of this rule will result in expulsion from the school. Zero tolerance policy in this regard will always be in effect at Gobind Sarvar School. The possession or use of nicotine products, alcohol, drugs or vaping is strictly forbidden on the school premises and during any school related activities. If alcohol or illicit drugs are found in a student’s belongings or on their person, he or she is subject to disciplinary action which will result in suspension and possible expulsionfrom the school. The administration has the right and obligation to ask a student to show the contents of a backpack, locker, desk, pockets etc. should he/she be suspect of possessing alcohol, vaping or illicit drugs.
21. For continuity in education, parents are discouraged from taking children out of school for long periods of time. Children have winter, spring and summer vacations for this purpose. Any child that is away from the school for longer than 2 weeks past the vacation days, will be required to write an entrance exam before proceeding to the next grade. Theresults of the exam will determine if they can attend the next grade or not
22. Students are discouraged from bringing any personal electronics on school property, Gobind Sarvar is not responsible for any loss or damage to these belongings.
23.No personal cell phone devices or personal electronics are permitted in classrooms. Upon finding any such items Teachers will have the right to hold them until the end of the school day and or contact the student’s parents.
24. Bullying in any way shape or form is prohibited. Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in one or more of following phone calls, notes to parents, loss of privileges, suspension, and expulsion.