Gobind Sarvar Edmonton


A Commitment to Excellence

Throughout the year, Gobind Sarvar students and staff participate in many activities and events. Please see below for some of the photos from these events.
Please ensure not to drop off students at school prior to 7:40 as there is no supervision before this time.

Precautionary Measures (COVID-19) and other communal illness

Gobind Sarvar is committed to the health and safety of students and staff. To ensure the safety of students, families and staff, if your child(ren) do not feel well or are ill please have them stay at home. This will help to minimize risks of spreading the illness.

Being Precautious

Parents/guardians must assess their children daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19 or any other infectious respiratory disease by completing the Daily Health Check before sending the child to school. Parents that know that they will be on school property also need to assess themselves prior to entering the school.

English Daily Health Checklist

Punjabi Daily Health Checklist

General School Information
Gobind Sarvar Edmonton 3530 91 St N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta T6N 0A5

Telephone: 825-401-5722
Website: www.gobindsarvaredmonton.ca

Gobind Sarvar is where the foundation of tomorrow’s beautiful humanity is being built: learning under the grace. In year 2022-23 Gobind Sarvar is offering Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 and grade 4 & 5 year 2023-24. Gobind Sarvar will be going up a grade every academic school year.


Junior Kindergarten
Grade 1-3
Section A: 8:00 am – 10:50
Section B 12:00 pm- 2:50 Pm
8:00 am – 2:45 pm
8: 00 am – 2:55 pm