About Us

About Gobind Sarvar School
Gobind Sarvar School is a non-profit independent academic and PYP IB Candidate school. Gobind Sarvar takes pride on the dedication of its staff, enthusiasm of its students and high level of support provided by parents and community members. At Gobind Sarvar we follow Alberta’s mandated curriculum and all of our teachers are Alberta certified teachers. Our classrooms are designed to be student centered learning with low student to teacher ratio with latest technological devices.
School Mission Statement
Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring global citizens who are active participants of world peace, and treat all nations as one human race. We aim to develop compassionate, reflective, life-long learners who continue to value and learn from nature and intercultural understanding.
Our Mission
Gobind Sarvar aims to provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment where Gobind Sarvar works with diverse schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who respect diversity and celebrate human oneness.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to create lifelong learners and to foster this we use the inquiry method in our classrooms. The Gurmat and Gurmukhi curriculum is integrated into the Alberta Education curriculum. Students also learn how to incorporate Sikhi values into their everyday lives. We begin our mornings meditation in the classroom, which sets a positive atmosphere for the rest of the academic day.
Our Vision
Gobind Sarvar School welcomes students from all faiths and backgrounds. We believe in diversity and see this is as our strength. As such we also encourage our students and staff to connect to other schools so that we can learn from one another. We are working toward building connections with other schools to enhance our learning and understanding from diverse cultures of Canada.