Gobind Sarvar Edmonton

Mission & Vision

About Gobind Sarvar School

Gobind Sarvar School is a non-profit independent academic school which follows Alberta’s mandated curriculum with Alberta certified teachers. The school provides higher standards of academics with affordable tuition fees. The classrooms are designed to promote a positive atmosphere with lower student to teacher ratios, the latest technological devices and provides an academic and spiritual learning environment.

Our Mission

Gobind Sarvar aims to develop mindful, inquiry-focused and knowledgeable
young people who can help create a more peaceful world by recognizing the entire
human race as one. Gobind Sarvar commits to working with intercultural schools
and international organizations. Students will collaborative at the international level to meet the challenges of the 21st century. 

Our Motto

“Today’s Learner…Tomorrow’s Guide”.This school inspires students to
achieve high academic and spiritual goals by providing a safe, nurturing environment focused on critical thinking, self-exploration and holistic growth.
Gobind Sarvar school will continue to celebrate ਏਕਤਾ ਅਤੇਆਪਸੀ ਿਪਆਰ-oneness and
love for each other.

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a nurturing and respectful environment where all individuals become reflective and active participants of the school culture, where all members contribute to common good and world peace through/based on universal values and develop skills of today’s learners, tomorrow’s guide.

Our Values


Integrity is foundational to the Gobind Sarvar community. We value truthfulness, sincerity, and ethical work. Those who remain true to their internal guide are shining examples to the rest of humanity that we can live a nobler way of life in this world.


Resiliency is important in the constant changing pace of life. Persevering in the face of external and internal stressors is learned by directing one’s energy towards positivity and productivity.


We value the common spirit within the hearts of all humanity. Recognizing this enables us to have more mutually enriching interactions and to create a more connected community.


Introspection allows us to understand our thoughts, habits, and emotions. This gives individuals the ability to self-regulate and strengthens their emotional intelligence, which is critical in all aspects of life.


We value an attitude of appreciation. By exemplifying this to students we endeavour to equip them with the necessary tools to live a content and happy life.


We value humility as it opens doors for discussions and a willingness to learn from each other. It teaches us to learn from our mistakes, take success in stride, and to work in the collective best interest.


We value creativity as it leads to noble ways of thinking and creating. It motivates us to set high goals and work towards resolving and achieving them.


We value the inherent worth of individuals and strive towards building an attitude of professionalism and kindness throughout the Gobind Sarvar Community.